Monday, April 21, 2014

Take on the air freshener

Would it really be too much to ask Arm and Hammer or Johnson & Johnson
to come up with an air freshener which doesn't suck? I had a dirty
gyro this afternoon which is a sure fire recipe for a mid afternoon
bathroom run but as I was running a bit behind schedule, was forced to
use the general company bathroom instead of the one with peace and
quite out in the hallway. The problem was that the DG comes quickly
and there isn't a lot of time for prep but when I was done the entire
4x4 room reeked to high heavens. We have some kind of febrezi air
spray thing which might smell like a Dutch tulip garden in a
laboratory but get it into a lavatory and it smells like a Dutch Oven.
What somebody has to invent is not a cover up spray that makes your
flower garden smell like it's located on a toxic dump but something
that actually smells like a clean bathroom. Maybe the smell of bleach
would help

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