Saturday, March 1, 2014

Take on the old photo

There are not a lot of worst things to wake up to than a picture of yourself from 20 years and 60 pounds ago.   A friend decided to "pull a Righetti" and photobomb the entire fantasy football servgroup with an old ID showing a much younger -and MUCH fatter- Righetti.    God, I have to say they I was one of the ugliest 20 year olds you've ever seen, to think I wondered why I never got laid!!
The comments were pretty comical, most of them noting that my entire head looked like a gigantic thumb since I appear to have had no neck at all but one was particularly interesting.  It came from a guy who is easily 50 pounds over his fighting weight as he said

Holy shit that's awesome.  I don't care if that guy is built like Hugh Jackman today, how dare he ever make fun of any other person's weight, ever.

The reason the editorial board over at TOR is ruthless about your weight, tubby, is because we know that it takes will-power to drop 50 and know your lack of that is the reason you wake up most mornings with a face covered in jelly donut

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  1. Wait, was it Conway who made the Hugh Jackman crack?

  2. The Bon Jovi dance is pretty awesome already. But I can't imagine just how much more awesome the Bon Jovi dance would be on the universal scale of awesome-ness, if you had done the Bon Jovi dance when you were the old Righetti depicted in that awesome high school photo.

    You would have to change your name to Righetti Asomugha (pronounced, "Awesome-wah").
