Friday, February 28, 2014

Take on Mr. Mom

Nobody tell Mrs Righetti but Jesus does she have a hard gig. When
she caught a nasty stomach big, Righetti had to come in from the
bullpen and try to close out the week. I get that working all day is
a schlep but having spent a full day playing Mr. Mom, I can't wait
till Monday when I get to go back to work and relax a bit
Between the shopping, diapers, crying, whining, pickups, housework and
random stuff, I'm exhausted. I get that there is a lot of downtime
but nothing like the downtime I get when I hide out on the toilet for
a half an hour when I'm hungover at work. There is no time to get
anything productive done what so ever when you have two kids pulling
you in twenty directions, especially when you are exhausted.

TGIF never rang so true

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