Thursday, February 20, 2014

Take on stupidity

There are hundreds of times per year when I am shocked by stupidity,
whether it is people speeding when the roads are icy, people paying
extra for 'protection' plans or people buying a month worth of food
whenever there is a storm coming. With all of that said, there is an
example of stupidity which even shocks me - people who believe The
Flintstones is historically accurate with the earth being about 3000
years old. I never thought I'd be more shocked than by that nuts
until yesterday when I read an article stating that a quarter of
Americans don't realize the earth revolves around the sun. I am not
exactly sure how you prove this to them but I'm also not so sure it
matters because we can't in good conscious force castration upon

1 comment:

  1. My suspicion is that these surveys are flawed because if they are done by phone in the daytime, the data points being obtained are from unemployed housewives, illegal immigrants who don't speak English, and teenaged stoners playing hooky from school.

    So Americans are not THAT dumb. No way that as many as 25% of Americans are that stupid to not know about planetary orbits and this solar system.

    It's probably just 15%.
