Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Take on docking

There are a handful of people (mostly Dutch people I suspect) who have
continued to use the CitiBike program through the summer. What this
has led to is a much greater amount of bikes at the main midtown
stations and, because the usage seems to be sparse during these
months, a plethora of docking stations. The issue now is that after
about nine months of this program, the docking stations are falling
apart as quickly as the bikes are. For months you have been able to
walk up to any station in the city and see two or three bikes docked
with the red light indicating it is broken but in the last few weeks
you are also seeing that ever station has anywhere from three to five
docking stations that don't work anymore. Maybe it's the weather,
maybe it is the use and abuse or maybe they should try pulling some
foreskin over them when not in use but Bloomberg's signature program
is going down like De Blasio's first term

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