Sunday, February 16, 2014

Take on the Korean Haircut

Sometimes random facts surprise you, other times they make complete
sense. I have no idea if the @OMGFacts handle get proofread of
fact-checked but they usually give you two or three tidbits per day
which are somewhat interesting like telling you that Pinocchio died
in the original version of that the Model T only came in black because
it was the fastest drying paint

But nothing made me less surprised than when I saw a piece about North
Korean dudes only be allowed one of 28 hairstyles. Obviously, anything
the North Korean regime does can't possibly surprise but but having
known quite a few Korean's in my time, I was only surprised that there
were even 28 haircuts to be had. Ever kid I knew had either the
rice-bowl thing, the #3 buzzed sides and the bouffant or the total
shaved head. I don't think that hair texture allows for much else and
really a Mohawk on a Korean dude would look like somebody sat on a
Shock Top bottle

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