Friday, January 31, 2014

Take on the Mass Text Message bubbles

Apple, Inc.
Mr. Tim Cook CEO


Hope this letter finds you well and you are enjoying another day lounging around in pleated khakis, an IPhone belt clip and Scrooge McDuck money.   I was a latecomer to the iOS universe but am now a complete convert and one of your loudest advocates and today come with a suggestion.

During group-text messages would it be possible to add the following feature when you launch iOS8 which I think will help your stock-price break the $1000 a share ceiling, or at least make it a slightly improved software platform 

Each member of the conversation gets a text bubble in a different color.     I get that there is a little icon next to each person (and sometimes a picture) but it would really make it much easier to follow a conversation thread with some handy color coordination..


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