Thursday, January 30, 2014

Take on the church subsidy

I read earlier today that a State Senator in Nebraska had started a
campaign to eliminate property tax exemptions for churches and other
religious entities. I'm all for eliminating any subsidy for any
group especially ones who influence public policy as directly as
churches do, not to mention groups that systematically cover up child
abuse. Stick your nose is things like abortion and gay marriage while
covering up that kind of heinous act and you don't get a government
handout from me...ever

But really this is not the issue which we should be talking about,
what we should be discussing are the other subsidy churches get...the
no parking zones in front of their buildings. I have never quite
understood why in manhattan when parking is impossible, churches get a
free walkway while mosques, temples and synagogues are all triple

De Blasio..put down the pizza fork and start addressing issues that
really affect New Yorkers.

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