Saturday, January 25, 2014

Take on the "I've never been happier" guy

Is there anything more disingenuous than the guy who answers a
question about how things are going than with the over-exuberant "I
have never been happier." Yeah, you haven't worked a really job in
months, are dating a miserable wench and you live at home with your
parents but your life couldn't be better. Give me a break.

Life isn't always peach trees, flowers and lap dances, there are hard
days and difficult circumstance but this desire to overcome everything
with positive energy is the kind of mentality that lands you in a
mental home. Although, I must admit it is entertaining as the
collapse for the "life has never been better" chick is always brutal.
She is always the one who is carrying fifty bounds of baggage but
believes now that she has a boyfriend all that baggage just
disappears, but when her little bubble bursts, which it always does,
her fall from grace is always spectacular

Ever notice that it also always somebody who you just know is
resentful and pathetic and you wouldn't trade give minutes of their
life for a dollar and although they give you this chirpy cheerful crap
they are always the ones divorced and unemployed six months later.

So the next time somebody says something as asinine as "my life is
just perfect" I will kick them squarely in the shin.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, my life had never been better about 6 months before my divorce. So, there you go.
