Friday, January 3, 2014

Take on DiBlasio's first test

My buddy Chin just pointed out that as of 11AM Broadway was still
covered with snow even though the major snow stopped about 10 hours
ago and remarking how the unions already have Big Bill by the
DiBlasiBalls. Midtown looks like Alaska, uptown looks like Siberia
and downtown looks like Antarctica

It is remarkable how little the DiBlasio administration has done when
it comes to issues that really affect people. I remember bigger
snowstorms and by the time I get into the city the entire place looks
like Miami Beach. Bloomberg had one mulligan, too, but you know that
if Rudy was as the helm right now the streets would be clean, granted
he'd have done it with tanks running down Broadway but I'd be able to
get to work without so much as a drop I snow on my shoe

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