Saturday, January 4, 2014

Take on the d!ck pic

another day, another celebrity d!ck pic. I got up the other day and
the first headline I read is about current New York Jet QB Geno Smith
sending pictures of his Italian Stallion to some chick. I get the
appeal of a dude requesting pics of a chick's boobs but never quite
got the fascination of pics of other body parts and having seen my own
wang, see no reason this thing has to be photographed.

I have never taken or received a dick pic, so need somebody to explain
the mentality behind this and also some logistics. What makes a dude
want to do this and more importantly what makes a chick want to see
it. Man junk is like Picasso art, nobody can honestly claim to like
it, it probably just sounds like a thing that chicks should like.
Between the hair, veins, odd shapes and ball sack, these things
shouldn't ever be seen.

But as there apparently is a market for them, what are the rules to a
good d!ck pic? How much thought is out into it?

Do you make sure the mast is up?
Do you put a penny next to it, to show it's proportional size?
How do you prove it's actually your own? Do you have to prove some
distinguishable feature or is it like a selfie where you make sure to
show your face, too?
Do you make sure you are groomed before hand?
Do you keep it unobstructed or do you kind of keep some parts to the

Inquiring minds need to know

1 comment:

  1. I think TOR would have a different take on dick pics if Righetti was a black NFL QB rolling around town with a tripod below his waist.

    By the way, how come Jets QBs are the only guys in the NFL caught sending dick pics?
