Saturday, September 28, 2013

Take on the yellow line anniversary

The yellow first down line turned 15 this week and If there was a
better invention in the last century, I'd like to know what it is.
Forget the curefor polio, YouPorn, the electric car, smokeless
cigarettes or sustainable farming, this small piece of magic has
affected more us more positively than all of this combined. It is to
the point that my daughter asks where it is even in between plays, eh
oh got me to thinking that they should really superimpose it on the
field at all times during a telecast.
Or better yet, use the technology and have the zebras wear special
glasses so they can see the super-imposed line on the field as they
are watching the game. Coaches, fans and GM's would benefit too, and
maybe even pit it on players. Then again, we'd be about a hair away
from having 80,000 people pay $100 a piece to watch a game of

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