Sunday, September 29, 2013

Take on the guy brushing his teeth in a public toilet

I see guys brushing their teeth in an airport bathroom all the time
and I scratch my head. There is usually not a worst smelling place
than an airport bathroom with all those cultures coming together.
Maybe it's the oxygen that get pumped into the planes, maybe it's the
airplane food, maybe it is all those Cinnabuns or maybe it is that
people are particularly nervous but an airport bathroom usually smells
like absolute hell.

Forget a public setting, there really isn't a more ridiculously
disgusting act than brushing your teeth in the same room you take a
sh!t. I get that this is the way that things have always been, but if
I ever build my own house, my sh!tter will be in a different room than
the sink where I keep my toothbrush.

As disgusting as it is to brush my teeth in the awfulness of my own
ass, I could never be convinced to do so in a public bathroom. You
may as well brush your teeth with one of those toilet brushes, it'll
taste about the same


  1. For a guy who takes a lot of photos inside bathrooms, it's amazing that you have never been punched, arrested or placed on some law enforcement registry.

  2. That dude has purple hair.

    Also, I take a lot of photos in public restrooms, too. Mainly just of me in the mirror.

    When I take photos of other people, it's outside in bars, restaurants, sidewalk, Starbuck lines, houses of ill repute, etc. And it's almost always creepshots of women.

    I do not take photos of dudes with purple hair.
