Sunday, July 7, 2013

Take on the IKEA child rearing list

Might be time to stop trusting the Ikea bible on child-rearing.
Number 10 on their list involves keeping bumpers in a crib, which any
parent knows is a complete no-no Although honestly, it is completely
impossible to keep up with everything you are, and are not, supposed
to do for your kid

They have to be kept facing backwards, eating organic locally grown
food, kept completely away from any TV screen, spoken to in Mandarin,
read to in French and yelled at in Dutch. They should not eat Swedish
Meatballs, should not climb on furniture and should only go into a
ball out if is has been disinfected with an organic green cleaner

But this list really could take an update. Maybe they can include a
new one: don't let them choke on an Allen wrench

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