Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Take on the Gawker headline

When I read the headline on Gawker about the chicks in their 20's needing bigger bras, I got pretty excited.   Although I know I'll never actually get to see one in the flesh (unless they are hanging off of a pole), I do have a vivid imagination and the thought of a bunch of 20 year old hot coeds stretching their tshirts is enough to make me want to do 100 push-ups.
The problem was that the article ( they were referencing included these stats

Sales of the larger bra band sizes 44 to 50 jumped 17% from 2011 to 2012, and sales of D-cup and Double-D grew 2% in the same period

Well, if that Gawker article wasn't more sensational, it could have been in the Enquirer.  Yes, chicks need bigger bra's but the only thing that matters is cup-size where large cups only saw a 2% increase in sales which probably falls within some margin or error or can be attributed to statistical noise
Where they really saw an increase was for the bad size, which means that chicks don't have bigger t!ts, they have bigger backs.  Last I heard, there aren't a lot of guys staring at chicks and commenting "man look at the back on that chick, she's got a girth of nearly 5 feet."
So, although technically correct, the fact that chicks with the same size cups planted on 10% bigger frames is a out as exciting as seeing Aaron Hernandez modeling them with his 52" back

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