Monday, May 27, 2013

Take on the tossed salad

There is probably nothing less appealing than the large salad at a
party, yet every BBQ today will have one guest who was tasked to bring
one. It's easy to bring beer, it's no problem to bring hot-dogs or
burgers but the person in charge of the salad is screwed. First of
all, there is just no way to dress a salad for that many people
without it getting completely drenched so most of the time people opt
to not dress it which leaves you chewing on plain arugula or spinach.
Add to that so many dietary restrictions, it always just becomes a big
bowl of greens with not nearly enough stuff which will inevitably be
the item nobody at the party will actually go for. This pathetic bowl
of leaves and to maps wil sit there all day, wilting from the heat of
the grill and the sun. People will pick at some of the goat cheese
and cranberries bit will leave all the lettuce, which will constantly
make the concoction look less and less appetizing

So do us all a favor this Memorial Day and leave the big bag of
prewashed lettuce at home, and bring another six of Brooklyn Summer

1 comment:

  1. Tossed salad. LOL, this would have been more exciting if it had been about the tossed salad I actually appreciate receiving.
