Wednesday, May 29, 2013

take on the beard net

I understand the need for the health department to demand that people
working in the food-preparing industry should wear hair-nets but when I got
breakfast this morning at Subway and the dude comes out of the kitchen
looking like Santa Clause, I wonder if there should be an enforced law for
beard-nets too?  This dude looked like Osama Bin Laden with a beard that
slopped into the $5 footlong like a mop.

Although, to be honest, it's not as bad as the guys at the Italian place up
the street from my old apartment.  In the 98 degree heat this savage should
have been forced to wear a chest-net to catch all the stray sweat covered
chest hairs falling into my meatball parm out of his dirty v-neck.   This
is one place those dirty take-out Chinese places have a major (hairless)
leg up.

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