Sunday, March 24, 2013

Take on Sunday Parking

When Mayor Bloomberg eliminated metered parking on Sunday's everybody
applauded. The people who live in or visit NYC would have one day
when they were not forced to feed the meter and what better day than
on God's Day. We at TOR always had a second thought to this because
like most things which seem like a no brainer, there is a second
perspective which comes with unplanned consequences.
See giving free street parking sounds great (except to those who like
the thought of a seventh day of revenue stream) but it also means that
people will park on Saturday night at about 8pm and not move their
cars till Monday morning. In other words all those stores who thought
they'd benefit instead can't get people to come in because there is no
street parking. Have you ever noticed how it is impossible to find a
parking spot on a Sunday around brunch?
So if you think that this is good for stores, think again because it
mean that today I didn't shop in NYC. The only one who this really
benefits it Big-Parking

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