Thursday, February 7, 2013

Taking on the rolling carry on

I travel more than most people I know having been Platinum on Delta
for five years. Having spent that many hour at the airport, I've
figured out ways to speed through security, found some decent spots to
kill some hours during the inevitable delays and can usually spot the
best spot in the Delta lounge where you can get a few minutes of peace
and quiet
What I haven't figured out is a proper way to pack for two days. Get
me on a week trip and I stuff my roll-onwith shirts, jeans, running
sneakers and a few work pants but get me on a one-nighter and I
struggle. I don't want to bring a big half-full roll-onfor one night
trip and as a business traveler I can't imagine bringing a backpack.
I've had a few over the shoulder bags but you walk though enough
airports and realize those are annoying so I finally settled on a
small roll-on. Problem is there is no way to look cool pulling a
chick's carry-on behind you

But I am not beyond looking like a fairy if it means I don't have to
lug it over my shoulder

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