Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Take on the Saturday mail

There aren't many things that made more sense to me than the US Post
Office deciding that in order to stay solvent they would cutback on
Saturday mail. I'm nit making that comment because I care all that
much about the post-office but rather because it just means one less
day of getting junk mail. Out of the 30 or so pieces of mail I get
per week, there probably is one thing I genuinely care about so
limiting the amount of times I need to walk to my recycling bin works
for me.
I have heard all the arguments for the post office -try personally
delivering a letter across the country for $0.45- but I think it is
time to realize that the usefulness of the USPS may be waning. I,
for one, pay all my bills online, get no magazine deliveries and only
very occasionally send letters so the entire concept of mail seems
antiquated and resource wasteful. For me and probably for a majority
in my generation, I would suggest cutting back even further and moving
to a three day delivery week.

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