Monday, February 25, 2013

take on the horsemeat scandal

The entire world seems to be consumed with not consuming any horse-meat and today IKEA  was the next big place to fall when it was revealed that they too have traces of horsemeat in their advertised pork and beef balls. I get that people are up in arms about this as having any company pull the old bait-and-switch is despicable but what I don't get is why the horse is seen as the kind of animal you can't eat while the cow or the pig are completely fair game.  Most of the time you hear about companies doing this to save money but is horsemeat really less expensive than hog-meat.. that crap is like $10 for a living-room full.
I had dinner with some people over the weekend and as we were ordering, it was noted by one of the people at our table that she didn't like to eat cute animals.. I get that mentality because who the hell wants to be chomping down on feline meat after seeing some Youtube video of a cat chasing a hairball down the hallway but where exactly does it stop.   A calf is pretty cute, a frog is kept as a pet by countless prepubescent boys, why is it OK to eat a cow who seems to have a lot of personality and serves a dual purpose by also giving us milk but eating a horse is completely sacrilege?
So I'm wondering why anybody gives that much of a crap about this entire scandal.. doesn't seem like anybody makes a big deal about the supposed crab-meat they get on their seafood salad on poppy seed bagel.

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