Sunday, February 24, 2013

Take on the Bjorn

Spend two hours doing any physical activity and you are bound to feel
it the next day, be it swimming, running, playing squash or even
walking but I never thought the activity that would cripple me would
be parenthood. I'm not talking about fighting off a kid in full
temper tantrum mode but rather just the simple act of carrying around
a six month old.
With all the advances in modern science, I cannot believe we are still
stuck with the baby bjorn...or as like to call it the back knife.
Wearing this thing is like asking your four hundred pound high school
buddy to walk on your back. This thing wears like a brassiere, feels
like it should not just hold a baby but distribute their weight but
when you actually spend 10 minutes wearing it you realize why there
are so many swedish chiropractors in this country. Basically the
Swedes have come up with this concept of wrecking our backs with their
child carrying systems and then fixing them under the guise of MD.
It's like the tire companies in Brooklyn who always seem to be set up
on a part of 4th avenue with a perpetual pot-hole problem. You just
know that when you walk past their stores at 3 in the morning they got
a guy with a jackhammer staining two blocks in front it it ripping up
the road

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