Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Take on the whitehouse petitions

I'm all for freedom but how deaf people have to be after Newtown is
unreal. I logged onto the WeThePeople website where citizens can
petition the federal government directly. If they ca get 25,000
online signatures the White House responds Out of the 20 or so
petitions on the first page there must be 14 of them threatening the
government from taking their guns away.
I particularly loved the one titled "we petition the Obama
administration to ensure the 2nd amendment cant (sic) be infringed
upon in anyway limiting citizens ability to defend against tyrannical
My first thought is that before you get on your soap box you may want
to make sure you are grammatically correct but the more important one
is that this one is about a third of the way from having to be
acknowledged by the White House
I am sure that these are the same people who will rally against the
federal government inefficiency which is obviously pretty ironic
considering this is exactly the type of action that causes
But more importantly can somebody explain in what world outside of
Mark Levin's mind there is this tyrannical governmental threat. I
get that there are decisions and directions that go counter to the
beliefs of a large group of Americans but I do not believe anybody in
their right mind really see it as true tyranny
But then again I don't wear tin-foil on my head

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