Thursday, December 20, 2012

Take on the germaphobe

When a buddy sent put the following link ( for some kind of super hygienic beveled cup it started a major debate amongst the interweb buddies.  These guys are all completely OCD'd that it immediately spawned a who is the bigger germaphobe, a title they wear proudly.   These guys can't take a shit outside of their own houses, wear rubbers when they go to a urinal and  will take painstaking efforts to use only their no jerkoff hand to hold on during a subway ride.   I have no doubt in my mind the reason I never get sick is because I am not afraid to touch the world 
The funny thing is that I never even realized that keeping a cup upside down or it  up was something people paid attention to.  I cannot for the life of me think of a scenario where I would waste even a second of my life to being afraid of some potential germ sitting on the surface of a cabinet shelf.  I drink coffee from gas stations, I will drop a pretzel on the street pick it up and eat it, I would lick the subway cart handle for $50 so I will not worry about a little collected dust in a coffee cup.  

Sent from my iPhone

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