Saturday, December 29, 2012

Take on the homeless psycho problem

Another week and another crazy lunatic shoves an unsuspecting hard
working immigrant in front of a subway track barreling into the
station. I know this isn't popular amongst both the cost cutters, the
civil liberty types or the liberal weenies but it is time to do
something about these crazed psychos. I said a long time ago that
homelessness is not a financial situation but a psychological one,
there are plenty of options for the unemployed and/or poor but what
the vast majority of homeless people are, is a person with serious
psychological and emotional issues. I am not particularly referring
to your shelter living types or the ones who turn to churches for help
but rather the ones who make a conscious decision to live in the
streets. The types with three shopping carts full of garbage who
smell like rotting fleshes. There is no reason that these people
should not be institutionalized civil liberties aside becauase they
are a clear danger to society as they prove over and over again
Now any veteran New Yorker knows to stay away from the subway track
especially if there is one of these homeless people in the station.
This becomes second nature for anybody who rides the trains regularly
and is similar to keeping money out of plain view or why women turn
their engagement rings around when walking down a dark street but
that's not enough.

Time to get some protection for the average Joe looking to make a living

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