Thursday, December 27, 2012

Take on the food choices at Port Authority

Is there a less appetizing place in the world than Port Authority.
Between the homeless people passed out with vomit on their shirts, the
miserable commuters coughing on one another and the transit workers
pissing all over the seats the place just screams filth. So if the
Port Authority is the place you'd least like to have lunch than the
Cafe Motor on the 2nd floor has to be the least appetizing restaurant
in the least appetizing place on the world
I swear they are still serving the same meat patties I used to buy
after boxing 15 years ago. Mind you I am not saying the same type of
beef patties but literally the same ones are still sitting in the
display case from 1998.
I cannot for the life of me think of a good reason this place is still
in business other than it is laundering money cause for you to spend
your hard earned money at this place must mean you had a particular
type of death wish...death by voluminous ass diarrhea which funny
enough I almost died from myself this week

So instead of buying a ten year old beef patty from Cafe Motor I opted
for a $5.49 slice of cheesesteak pizza from some other joint called
Villa and sadly I don't think I am better off

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