Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Take one the Sunday Treadmill Driver

There are not many things I despise more than having one hour to
exercise and showing up at the gym to find all the treadmills taken.
Now I love to see people working out because a commitment to a healthy
lifestyle will only benefit me by not having to look at grossly obese
people but when it interferes with my own workout schedule it annoys
the piss out of me. But worse than not getting onto a treadmill is
being blocked by some chick walking on one while talking to a friend,
speaking on her cell or worse yet reading a book. What the fuck
bitch, your cottage cheese thighs aren't going to get any less dimpled
if you are walking at such a leisurely pace that you can actually read
a book. If you think you can work out without breaking a sweat you
are wasting your own, and more importantly my, time

So scoot on over and let somebody who actually gives a crap about
living till the are 65 have a chance

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