Monday, November 26, 2012

Take on De Gaul

One of the things that really gets me about flying into Paris is
having to come into the hellhole called Charles De Gaul airport. I
am convinced they have been working on upgrading this airport for 15
years already and still there are scaffolds everywhere, detours at
every turn and the most asinine terminal numbering system known to
man. First they use letters for terminals and often you will see
signs only for terminals A-B-C-D-F-G with no sign whatsoever of
terminal E. Then to make it more complicated they also have different
numbers in front of some of the terminals so there are terminals 2E
and 2D whose relationship to normal E and D I cannot figure out. But
what is the worst the the small signs they have for said terminals.
Just look at the size of the notation for 2E on the sign, you may as
well wrote it in brail

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