Saturday, October 13, 2012

Take on the Pink Brownstone

I read an article in that the "iconic Pepto Bismol brownstone in Park
Slope" was sold . the bigger news wasn't the 2.075 million dollar
price tag but and that the new owners had gotten permission from the
Landmark Preservation Society to paint it back to it's original color
First of all this thing has only been pink for about 6 years so I see
no reason for the Landmark Preservation Society to e involved other
than trying to right a previous wrong.
What gets me is the headline.. how exactly is this thing iconic??
iconic assumes that it's at least likable or enviable but it is an
absolute eye-sore. This thing is absolutely hideous and I wouldn't
be surprised it the entire block is subsidizing the sale so that they
can get their block to look normal again

My buddy Zeke knows more about property value in Park Slope but it
seems to me this house was sold about 20% under market which I am sure
is because of the color

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