Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Take on the men's room key

We're a society obsessed with hygiene but we don't find it appealing
that people are basicly running their filthy asses all over your
hands. We've all been told about putting dollar bills in your mouth
but somehow a much more disgusting thinks happens every day

It never quite occurred to me but one of the most disgusting things in
the world has to be the shared men's room key. Not only is it filthy
because of where it travels but it's especially disgusting if you
think about the timeline when it's there
People are using the men's room key to get themselves into the room ad
probably not dropping the key into their pockets because most of them
have a huge piece of wood on the keyring. They place the key on the
little toilet paper holder ledge, sit on the throne, wipe their asses
and then grab the key off the toilet paper ledge before walking out of
the stall to wash their hands (if you are so lucky).

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