Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Take on the bike rickshaw

I guess I am not the perfect judge but is there anything that sounds
less romantic than a rickshaw ride through Times Square?? Yet every
day I see a bunch of fanny pack wearing tourists pay some illegal
immigrant $40 to ride behind a city bus coughing up enough carbon
dioxide you'd think they ate working in a coal factory as they get
shown the beauty that is the miserable lives of a hundred thousand
commuters. What could make for a less romantic backdrop than tons of
people going to and coming from jobs they hate through crowded transit
stops to get to work on time for bosses they want to stab in the
jugular. But that isn't the worst of it, if trying to make out while
getting tossed around because of pot-holes while trying to hold your
nose to shield yourself from the repugnant smell which comes from
these rickshaw drivers who must be sweating like pigs as they try to
ferry your 400 pound ass around so you can try to get a cheap feel in
on your relatively slim 325 pound date isn't bad enough it's the fact
that these guys go about 3 miles per hour so you see my life pass
before you in slow-mo that would make me want up jump up and stab the
poor Chinese guy in the urethra with an ice pick

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