Sunday, September 23, 2012

Take on suffering for your art

The Righetti Bon Jovi routine has come out of retirement more times
than Brett Favre and Roger Clemens combined. For those who have not
seen it, it's a (sometimes) drunken fully choreographed 3:30 routine
to Living on a Prayer complete with push-ups, dancing, ripped shirts
and the prerequisite full double knee slide across the dance floor.
We've done it at 10 weddings including one in Egypt and it is usually
well received.
The issue is that my body doesn't quite do everything my mind wants it
to do. I can't jump as high, can't do quite as many push-ups and
definitely can't worm around less I fear pulling a nut.
But the slide is what now scares me the most because I know how much
it will hurt the next day. I'm not quite sure how David Lee Roth does
night after night because when you slid across a stage your needs take
all the abuse.
But there I am at about the 2 minute mark as my audience awaits and I
clear the floor and prepare for the most electrifying (and painful)
part of it
But as I peek down I notice that this face floor is pure poured
concrete but I am pot committed and i can't turn back so there I go.
I run from one side, drop to my knees as i tear off the undershirt in
one motion. Within a minute it is over and I look down and see my
tuxedo pants ripped and my knees totally bloodied and I promise to
never do this to myself again

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