Monday, September 24, 2012

Take on construction schedules

Contractors staying on schedule is a well known problem which people
has been dealing with for as long as people have paid others to build
their dwellings but contractors in NYC take it to another level. We
had a building next to my office run over schedule by over two years
and it always annoyed me that the people this had the most direct
effect on (the neighbors) were neither notified or compensated for our
inconvenience. We lived through four years of construction with a
closed sidewalk, tons of deliveries, ridiculous noise and a list of
other annoyances

Well now there is a new construction site nearby with a very
optimistic completion date of "October 2012" which means they have to
get the entire thing built in 5 weeks to make it one schedule and as
you can tell by the picture, chances of that are slim

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