Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Take on All the News that's Fit to be shown on your 4 inch screen

Even if you got your news from a decent crosssection including FoxNews, NPR, CNN, WSJ, NyTimes, the BBC and Al Jazeera you would better off but still limited to what they show you.    Nowhere is this more true than the NY Times app which although ridiculously convenient, fairly inexpensive as compared to the print version and much better for the envirorment it has a major drawback.. you are limited to what somebody has decided are the 10-15 most important stories and I'm not even talking about the 10 articles in their 'most emailed list'   Now their top stories is usually offer a decent cross-section but I'd have to think that there must be some techology which allows them to see what people are clicking on which they would then be able to use in a matrix of stories to feature.   What bothers me most about this is that seeing each story listed with only a title and a very brief twitter-sized description, really alters the way you read the paper.    There are probably countless articles I've decided to avoid because the headline and blurb didn't immediately grab my attention, obviously headlines are important in both virtual and actual print media but when you have an entire newspaper in front of you the pictures, graphs, bolded parts etc all help capture you.    In this a world of instant gratification and increasingly busier schedules and more distractions there just isn't time to open countless stories to glance at.  
I've come to realize that the news I get is completely skewed.  Maybe years ago when people depended on Rather, Jennings and Brokaw it felt different but I think that anybody who keeps their eye on the big picture realize that we get a very filtered version of the news be it to appease viewers/readers, corporate entities, ratings hawks, advertisers etc.   I don't think anybody believes that there is such a thing as a news-room with complete autonomy but when the wall to unfiltered news now also includes some webmaster's decision of what to show you after the editors have already combed through what they want in the newspaper by itself you are getting further and further away from true news. 

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