Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Take on the crazy bodega rules

The bodega is really a NYC phenomenon as I really don't think there is
anything quite like it in the rest of the world. You can get
anything from things to placate your vices (butts, lottery tickets),
your stomach (egg and cheese, chips), your daily household stuff
(laundry detergent, toothpaste) and sometimes booze
I say sometimes because there are tons of places owned by people who
have religious justifications for not selling alchohol which I am OK
with since it is not by business to tell you what you should or should
not sell. Although when you walk in the back and see large white
sheets of paper covering the back refridgerators hiding the content I
wonder where your moral high-ground argument is leading to
Last week I came across one of these and quite honestly didn't know if
it was a religious or a legal barrier no liquor license) but covering
a fridge full of Budweiser with paper can't possibly server either
purpose all that well. Although buying a six did give me a nice
insight to what it must have been like during prohibition

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