Friday, April 6, 2012

Take on the unsavory neighbor

Up the street from us, a normal mom and pop local store got up and
left a few months ago. I don't quite remember what they sold or did
but what they were replaced with is memorable. The awning is a
combination of NYC Taxi yellow and Devil's redthe store front is
adorned with bright lights, a large blinking neon sign hangs in the
window and a scrawling sign screams both their business model and
their name 'We Buy Gold"
I've had this conversation with my brother in law a ton of times but
wh en your seemingly normal neighborhood gets a store that advertise
they buy gold, it is time to move. Any place whose entire hope for
sucess preys on people being in despair means you will never feel
quite right walking past it

I get that there is a lot of value in precious metals and just the
concept of a store willing to buy gold shouldn't be enough to scare
you off but like a check cashing place, an OTB or a Key-Foods, it's
not a good sign for real estate value.

Sent from my iPhone

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