Thursday, April 5, 2012

Take on One Goh

When I heard about the tragedy at the Korean Christian college earlier this week, my first thought was ‘not again’.   I can’t figure out why schools seem to be the place where most of these mass-killings seem to happen whether it’s Columbine, Virginia Tech or this case.    This is just another terrible example of a lack of regard people have for human-life and it saddens me that it is starting to feel routine.  As terrible as this entire case is, the two other issues I have ar
-          The media coverage on this episode seemed to very subdued relative to the other ones.. maybe It’s because we’re getting numb to this kind of behavior but more likely I tend to think that because both the shooter but more importantly the victims tended to Korean Immigrants, it seemed like it was covered as if it happening in Korea.   It’s just a sad state of the national media when this scenario which is exactly as pointless as the VA Tech one was, gets none of the media attention.
-           The other thing that particularly bothered me about this is that the preliminary motive that were given for One Goh was that he was upset because people made fun of his accent..   There is obviously a national discussion about bullying happening over the last few months so this doesn’t seem outrageous..except for the fact that this dude is  43!!!     The other reasoning they find is that he was kicked out of the school for bad-behavior.. again this guy isn’t some 15 year old punk smoking butts in the boys-locker room.. he’s a middle aged man…

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