Wednesday, April 18, 2012

take on the TV giving ahole

I totally had a TOR moment a few weeks ago which seemed so ridiculous that it didn't even occur to me to post about it but when the same event was creeping up again, I thought it was time to set the record straight.    A few weeks ago a friend who will remain nameless asked me to help her pick up a TV she got free at her friend's house.   Now I don't live all that nearby so it took a few weeks to get arrangements made but when I showed up on a nice Saturday afternoon, I knew I was in for a treat.    We drive about 5 blocks to her friend's house, go up the elevator, ring the doorbell and walk into the apartment.    There in the middle of the room sits said electronic appliance and quickly you find out why they are giving it away..  This isn't one of those super new, ultra thin jobs but one of those ridiculously heavy ones, honestly this thing must weigh 100 pounds and is the shape of a refrigerator.    I walk in and the dude and chick who live in the place hardly get off the couch to say hello (mind you they are very good friends of the person I'm helping)..   I size up the scenario and quickly figure out that this is going to be a one-man job..  I squat down, pick up the TV and almost instantly feel like something is going to pop..either my groin, my knee, my back or my jeans.   As I finally get the thing centered, I start stammering towards the exit and as I walk towards the door the dude graciously takes the cord and throws it over my shoulder while the chick opens the door.   The door closes before I even get my sense of direction in the hallway.   I finally make it to the elevator with sweat pouring down the face and sharp pains shooting down my sciatic nerve, press the button of the elevator with my knee and finally get some relief when I'm able to lean this thing on the handle-rail in the elevator..  I schlep the thing off the elevator, through the front doors of the luxury building, down a few ornate steps and finally into the trunk of my car.

Now as annoyed as I am that I just spent 20 minutes on a beautiful Saturday lugging a 10 year old TV around knowing you could probably buy a new flat-screen out of China for $300 what really annoyed me is that the dude in the place didn't so much as offer to help.   I get that he feels his good-deed is giving away this TV but it's not like I'm the recipient of the good-deed since he knows very well that I'm not getting it since it's going to our mutual friend.  I'm not expecting him to drop it off at my place but I also could never imagine having a friend-of-a-friend's show up at my house to pick up anything and I don't so much as offer to get the elevator for him if not insist I help carry the thing to his car.    I was shocked he even got off the couch to throw the wire over my shoulder

Luckily for me, the TV which has been sitting in my garage in storage now is needed and will be picked up tonight by a different dude all together..  I guarantee I'm outside tonight helping to lug this thing into a trunk and probably will offer him a cold lemonade

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