Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Take on time change

I don't get Daylight Saving Time, I know this was designed a hundred years ago to help out farmers but if there is one industry where it should it matter it would have been a family run business a hundred years ago.   It's all psychological anyway, if you want more day just get up early and stop forcing us all to live with interrupted sleep schedules

Actually it's not daylight saving which I have an issue with, it's standard time.   Last week it got light at 6am and dark at 6pm which seems pretty good as it was light the same amount of hours before and after 12noon.  Now yesterday it got light at 7 and wil get dark at 7pm, what exactly does that do for me??
We are about to get into spring and eventually into summer so we will have plenty of light at night, why do we have to add an extra hour to that??

Sent from my iPhone

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