Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Take on that new union radio ad

Anybody who listens to NY radio has heard this new ad by the
Correctional Officers Benevolent Association (COBA ) where some dude
speaks over an Eminem track denouncing Cuomo's plan for restructuring
their pension plans (link to ad at

"The city and the state legislators in Albany want to eliminate our
pensions - pensions that we have negotiated, worked for and deserved.
They're trying to force us to accept a 401(k) plan that failed on Wall
Street not more than 2 years ago."

I believe the words and voice are that of Norman Seabrook who is the
COBA president and although it is meant to show solidarity within the
ranks for action they see as unjust, to my ears it just comes across
as defiant for the sake of it, he never makes a coherent point but
mostly our gripe is with the fact he sounds like he's imitating Ray
Lewis. Problem is that this kind of works on a football field but
when you are trying to psyche up a bunch of average Joe's who have
their own problems to support your crappy cause through a public ad,
it makes your entire organization come across as rinky dink.

This dude isn't even passionate about it which is probably why he
needs the Eminem to give it some oomph. If you listen to what he's
saying it's like an elevator repair man or plumber trying to get
excited for Mitt Romney. He's completely robotic and it's obvious he
is just reading a script, one that sounds like it was written by a
high school sophomore mind you.
If I'm a member of COBA and this is how I am presented to the average
schmo driving to some crappy job who just wants to listen to Boomer
and Cartoon, I'd be furious.

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