Sunday, March 11, 2012

Take on the photostream

One of the beauties of having a couple of Apple products is the
syncing, I download an app on my iphone and it magically appears on my
iPad. Calendars and email options are even better a they can be
synced over all computers (not just iOS ones) and the photostream
seemed to be the next great thing in that string of having everything
in one spot. That was until iOS5 came out and everybody realized
that you could 't delete pictures off photostream. If you took a
fuzzy picture it got stored in the Cloud and although not terrible it
is frustrating that in today's world you are stuck with some shitty
out of focus picture for eternity
But that is not the worst of it, say a buddy sent you a picture of
Crazy Amy, well normally you'd download it and then either hide it in
some obscure folder or otherwise delete it. Well with photostream
every picture stayed in the stream unless you deleted the entire thing
I have to imagine the amount of bitching was endless and I'm happy to
find out that iOS5.1 finally fixed this. There are marriages at stake

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