Saturday, March 17, 2012

Take on The New IPad effect

When I heard the new IPad was coming out, my first thought was anger
because I had just clunked down $800 for the all-thrills IPad2 but it
took until this week for it to finally set in how much this new IPad
was going to affect me. I'm not annoyed anymore because of the retina
display or the better camera, why I am annoyed now is that everyone of
my apps on my IPhone ad IPad have released upgrades. Generally I
don't mind upgrades when they improve the app but on this case the
only thing was drain the memory. I went from having 5.9gigs available
on my IPhone to having 5.1giga available without getting any advantage
because all these apps are designed once and all hardware whether or
not they are fully utilizing them have to take the same memory
draining version

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