Sunday, March 18, 2012

Take on bagpipes

We've often ripped on these ethnic, religious or nationalistic
holidays as completely ludicrous. For one day everybody is Irish,
Mexican or Puerto Rican and then the rest of us are forced to clean up
the parade mess. But past the fact that the bars are crowded, kids
are peeing on the sidewalk and some idiot decided it was cool to
scream obscenities out of his window, the thing I hate most about
Patty's day are the bagpipes. There is nothing musical about blowing
continuously into a thing that looks like my sack while making it
sound like you are torturing a bag full of cats.
I'm sure when done really well it can be sort of nice sounding but
every amateur fireman thinks that because he's got an O in his name
that he can play these things
I walked down the street today and honestly felt like if these weren't
50 year old white men but instead a bunch of city kids, they would
have been charged with disturbing the peace

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