Thursday, March 29, 2012

Take on Miss(ter) World

There has been this rage on the interwebs and on cable-TV about some beauty contestant  named Jenna Talackova in the Miss World competition who was a dude just a few years ago.    Now TOR believes that if a dude can win a competition of the hottest chicks around, than it might be time to get some better looking contestants although I do have a buddy who has been quotes as saying that a Tranny prostitute his buddy ass-banged was really hot.  

But I don't see a transgender person winning Miss World as the same kind of travesty against humanity that others do, my bigger issue is that I've seen exactly one photo of this chick/dude and she looks like a Thai hooker.   There is absolutely no way that you wouldn't know this was a dude even if you didn't try to go to third base and found a baseball bat where the pitcher's mound was supposed to be.

This dude has the typical transvestite look.. The pulled back face, the high cheek bones, the adams apple, the big hands, the buldge in her swimsuit… how this ever got past the first level of judges is beyond me.

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