Friday, March 9, 2012

take on the group text MMS

I am one who sends a lot of pictures to large groups of people so this may seem like a ridiculous bitch but is there anything more badly designed than the group-text option on the IPhone.     There are tons of times when somebody sends me a picture of their kid, some funny picture or some mutt and before I even have a chance to open it, I have already received 10 responses from various people most of whom I don't know.

A few weeks ago somebody who will remain nameless sends out a picture of some snot-nosed kid and I get a bunch of responses like 'so cute'..  this is fine but these were obviously not meant for me.. actually it's not fine.. I don't want to hear some second aunt commenting on some coworkers snot-nosed kid

But the real issue is that you just know that people are getting into trouble with this, unless you have IOS5, you don't realize that this is a mass text and your response will go to the entire list.   I can see it now.. some dude sends a picture of a bunch of hot chicks to 10 guys and one of them comments saying the one to the right is a dog.. what he doesn't realize is that another dude on the list might have tagged that chick or worse yet is related to her.. now this dude who is just trying to be funny gets his ass kicked because his idiot buddy added him to some blind list.

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