Wednesday, February 1, 2012

taking on Mitt

I've long ago lost any hope that there is a magical politician out there who isn't a power hungry piranha who would actually stand for what's really right.   In the end after all the campaigning, vetting and politicking they all come out to exactly the same thing.. a self-righteous, self-involved, self-loving spoiled brat..   but nobody comes across as a bigger phony than Mitt Romney.     I have nothing against his policy and he may very well become a great president but I've never seen a guy show less passion than this dude does.   For somebody whose life-long dream is to be president, he usually has about as much excitement in his voice as one of those Budweiser frogs.   Add to this that he's comes across about as authentic as those hand-bags you get down on Canal Street and nobody is surprised he hasn't sown this sucker up by now…especially considering he's been campaigning for 5 straight years now.

But forget the flip-flops or the lack of passion.. what you have to say about Mitt is that he come across as having even less compassion than he does passion because he has to be one of the most out-of-touch candidates we've had since Bush Sr. thought a gallon of milk cost 50 cents.

A few weeks ago in preparation for the release of his tax-returns, Mitt said that he didn't make much of speaking engagements which paid him something like $100,000 per appearance and just today said 'I'm not concerned about the very poor, we have a safety net for them'    Now I'm sure it's taken out of context or he is completely spent after dancing to the BeeGees in Fort Lauderdale late into the evening on top of a giant picture of Newt but that kind of language never seems to work with the electorate who are already weary of him and think he's completely out of touch and now he's going to have to spend the next two weeks taking his loafers out of his tooth whitened mouth.

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