Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Take on the Amazon Local Deal

Every day i get some random email offering a green-tea massage, a 2
for 1 spin class or a chance to rejuvenate my split ends for what is
advertised as an amazing deal. I don't know when it happened but
about 3 months ago I started getting bombarded with AmazonLocal deals,
Jeff Bezos's answer to Groupon apparently. Not only do I not use
Groupon and actually find the service a complete waste although as a
psychology major i can surely understand the infatuation with it
but I never actively signed up for this AmazonLocal thing yet they
felt like it was their right to bombard me with unwanted junk mail.

Bit what really gets me is that this is like the antithesis of the
Viagra spam advertisement instead of upping your testosterone each one
makes you into a bigger chick. Do you ever notice that there are
absolutely no deals for dudes? Every option is catered exactly and
only to women.....unless of course Amazon has assumed I'm a chock
based on the history of my online purchases

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