Wednesday, February 8, 2012

take on real-estate photography

I have looked at a thousand apartments, houses, condos and co-ops in my life and it always strikes me how poorly thought out a lot of the photography is.   As we discussed last week  when you get away from the sharks in NYC, selling realty in the suburbs seems to be all about quantity of pictures…   This house I looked at today online literally had 20 pictures...and 15 of them were easily useless.

But the one which really never made sense to me is the picture of a bathroom.   I guess it's the Larry David in me but when I see a picture of some non-descript my reaction is..     yes  I get it, there is a bathroom, it probably has a toilet, one of those sink-things and maybe a shower/bath combo.    I just don't see any reason to put a picture of it on a website, especially if it's got pink tiles or some kind of lime green wall-paper.   Give me a picture of a house with a sweet master bathroom with a giant Jacuzzi tub and a stone walled shower but this…

Is there some kind of realtor obligation to prove that if you bought this house you would not be subjected to an out-house or is there not even that much thought put into it and the theory is..throw as much crap as you can up upon the wall and see what sticks

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