Thursday, February 9, 2012

take on extreme cold

When I looked at the weather forecast in anticipation for my trip out to Eastern Europe I almost fell off my chair.    Last week they were getting minus 30 degrees in places like Bosnia, Bucharest and the Ukraine with thousands getting cut-off of power because of snow-fall which lead to dozen's of deaths.   Now past the human tragedy, I always see these kinds of temperatures as just hyped lunacy.   At some point when the temperature goes from minus 20 to minus 30 does it even make a difference?   I've always seen extreme temperatures to kind of work in some kind of weird anti-exponential level..   Minus 20 is frigging freezing and so is minus 30 or minus 40 for that matter..  Yeah you might be able to stay alive for 3 minutes if it's minus 30 and only 2 at minus 40 but at some point you're still Han Solo.  

I see it kind of like being in debt..  I could be in debt for $20million or $50 million and I guarantee that I won't lose any additional sleep for the second number.   It's so much money that I won't ever wrap my head around anyway so why split hairs.  

The one thing I will say is that as I look at the extended forecast which reaches into the mid teens early next week and into the low thirties towards the end..I am thanking the good Lord above.. because I don't think that showing up at a business meeting with my snowboarding pants was going to go over real well..

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