Friday, February 24, 2012

take on the google glasses

Leave it to those wacky guys at Google to come up with the next great distraction.   First they build the best search engine, then they seamlessly build that into Gmail, they then buy YouTube, build the Android platform and seem to add another thing on their Google labs page every day.

But when I read about these Google glasses, I thought that we're really in trouble.  it's like I woke up one morning and not only am I seeing grey in my beard but I realize that I'm in the future...not only will these things have Terminator like quality giving the glass wearers to use the GPS features within the glasses to orient themselves and eventually the ability to use facial recognition to search everything you can about a certain person within seconds.    The other 'great' use for these things is going to be for gamers who now may never have to leave their virtual worlds behind although you can just see the liability here.   I can already see buddies barreling down the mass-pike at 100 miles per hour while simultaneously fighting warlords or terrorists in a far-away land (or a far away server) and before they get an ax to the head they run into the divider on the Charlestown bridge.

Please Google…save these guys from themselves

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